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Animiertes Logo kingcom
  1. All information on the service at https://kingcom.ch/en/introducing-kingcom/ and https://kingcom.ch/en/taking-part/ studied and advice consulted if necessary.
  2. Financing secured.
  3. Consent of head teacher(s) obtained.
  4. Travel timetables studied (calculate 30 minutes for the journey from Bern main station to the museum).
  5. Preferred date and alternative dates checked, arranged with colleagues, clashes with other events ruled out.
  6. School class registered on https://kingcom.ch/en/taking-part/.
  7. Login details received from the museum and registered on register.kingcom.ch.
  8. Food and drink for lunch organised (picnic on the partially covered forecourt of the museum possible).
  9. Journey to the museum organised.
  10. Parents and legal guardians informed.