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025 Desire or drudgery?

Investigate forms of communication in the digital age. Which of them are fun, which ones are useful and which ones can also become a burden?

What it’s all about
·         Constant accessibility
·         Multitasking
·         Dependency on digital devices
·         Stress and strain thanks to new forms of communication
·         Your own communicative behaviour
·         Changing the societal rules of behaviour and values

·         Exploring the exhibition
·         Documenting observations in public areas (train, restaurant, school, etc.)
·         Collecting experiences from people of different ages
·         Carrying out a survey
·         Obtaining opinions on the subject of stress
·         Recreating typical situations
·         Role-playing
·         Staging an argumentative discussion between parents and children
·         etc.

In the museum
·         Alcoves: from 1970, from 1980, from 2000, up to 2017
·         Check-up
·         MultitasKing
