Sample text – Letter to parents
Dear Parents and Legal Guardians
On XX.XX.20XX we will be visiting the Museum of Communication in Bern. We will be taking part in a supervised workshop there from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. In groups, learners will research a topic from the exhibition and will publish their findings in the museum’s research blog on the website
We kindly request that you take note of the advice regarding data protection, which you will find at: We will discuss these points in lessons, as well as during the workshop.
The researched content is at the centre of the workshop, not the learners. Therefore they are not encouraged to present themselves on the website. On the contrary – conveying how to handle personal data critically and independently on the Internet is part of the workshop. The people in charge at the museum must be able to assume that the learners depicted as part of the blog do so voluntarily, in agreement with you and with your permission.
Thank you very much for your short acknowledgement of receipt of this information.
Kind regards