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028 Crystal ball

Investigate the communication of the future. What will change, what will stay the same?

 What it’s all about
·         Trends in the development of communication tools
·         People’s needs and wishes
·         Technological advancement and inventions
·         Visions for the future

·         Exploring the exhibition
·         Obtaining the opinions of experts (e.g. from videos)
·         Carrying out a survey
·         Conducting research into trends in communication
·         Commenting on the findings obtained
·         Staging news from the year 2040
·         Staging possible situations with future forms of communication
·         etc.

In the museum
·         Videos: Visions
·         Alcove: up to 2017

On the Internet
·         School of the future
·         Visions of the future from Swisscom boss Urs Schaeppi
·         Hyper-Reality by Keiichi Matsuda
